full design reference for my henry!
NAME: Henry Emily
ALIAS: Hen, big bear (by William), Hank
AGE: 43 years old (in 1983, born March 3rd, 1940)
GENDER: cisgender male
ORIENTATION: greyromantic homosexual (but unaware)
HEIGHT: 5ft 8in
WEIGHT: ??? lbs
HAIR COLOR: ginger (graying)
EYE COLOR: dark brown
Maria Emily - deceased wife, died in complicated childbirth. he was very much in love with her when she was alive, and the two got along fantastically. she was one of the only people who could see past henry’s issues.
Jen Emily - henry’s sister! on decent terms, mostly communicate via phone because jen lives out of town. she sometimes comes to visit, and they’ve gone on camping trips together a few times. she’s supportive of henry but also always calls him out on his bullshit - and she’s also quite suspicious of william, giving henry warnings that he never listens to.
Charlotte Emily - henry’s only child, very much beloved because of this, but ultimately neglected because of henry’s preoccupation with the diner and his animatronics. henry heavily regrets not watching her more closely, and the guilt weighs heavy on his heart for the rest of his life.
William Afton - closest (and maybe only) friend (since college), sometimes with benefits! also business partner. they act like an old married couple in the way they banter and argue, and yet they are the only ones to truly understand each other. unfortunate that their love would turn to hatred once william went off the deep end.
Clara Afton - awkward… she kind of knows henry’s fucking her husband. she just lets them be because she feels like william is the only one she can ever be with. they’re on somewhat better terms when william is out of the picture, but clara certainly has some things to say about how lenient henry was with william.
Michael Afton - the only authority michael will actually listen to! respected and trusted, though this trust becomes tenuous when michael learns about the murders being covered up. post-scoop, michael does spend a while living with henry, and henry essentially acts as his father figure during that time.
Elizabeth Afton - henry is actually her biological father ♡ they have a pretty close relationship, but henry isn’t nearly as close with her as charlie, and he doesn’t want to let on to the fact that elizabeth is partially his child.
Evan Afton - loves henry, seeks comfort from him even though he’s ‘scary’, and because he made the fredbear plushie for him! (which william modified with a camera + microphone. lol. lmao.)
Scott Collins - the employee henry dislikes the least! scott is actually competent. they’re on somewhat friendly terms, but are more acquaintances than friends. they do grow closer the longer scott stays around, though scott ends up dying before they can ever really become friends.
Henry Emily is a brilliant man, the owner and inventor of Fredbear’s Family Diner alongside his business partner William Afton. He handles much of the behind-the-scenes work, maintaining and designing the animatronics as well as occasionally sorting out paperwork - and William handles the public side of things, keeping their image clean and landing them business deals. Henry’s never been very fond of social situations, always seemingly off in his own world or busy thinking about his inventions.
Like William, he can be rather eccentric. In contrast, though, Henry seems to display little emotion most of the time. He still very much enjoys running Fredbear’s and performing and entertaining the kids, but he doesn’t quite match the level of theatrics that William puts on.
Henry tries to focus on the logical side of situations rather than the emotional side (although his emotions can sometimes get the better of him, he likes to think he’s very pragmatic). He generally doesn’t show his anger - he doesn’t like to yell or throw punches, he has that silent kind of fury that radiates off of him like a warning.
Being diagnosed with autism, Henry tends to display some of the social traits like being blunt with his words, speaking in a monotone tone of voice, missing social cues, and being somewhat off-putting to peers that don’t understand him. He has a special interest in robotics, and enjoys both the engineering and the design aspects.
He’s easily annoyed by his employees and any customer that dares to get snippy with him. When tired of a conversation he will either walk away or stare at the person until they leave - and his stare is very intimidating. He does not fuck around and does not put up with bullshit. His patience is much more gracious with those he’s close to, so he usually isn’t bothered by friends and family. William annoys him on purpose, but Henry lets it slide (for the most part) because he’s fond of him.
Yet for all the great things he’s invented and the joy he has brought, Henry is also a selfish man. After William killed his daughter (after the bite of ‘83), he didn’t want to believe it to be true - but once William killed five more children in their establishment (1985), he kicked William to the curb and worked meticulously to cover up his crimes and make sure Fazbear Entertainment would continue to survive and succeed. He’s furious and refuses to be dragged down with William - the restaurant is the only thing he has left, anymore.

henry working on fredbear :3
POSITIVE: intelligent, level-headed (mostly), eccentric, gentle and patient to those he’s close with
NEUTRAL: reserved and quiet, pragmatic, speaks bluntly
NEGATIVE: selfish, neglectful/negligent, misses social cues often, can’t let go of the past, depressed, impatient to most
HOBBIES/INTERESTS: robotics, art and design, woodcarving, sewing (specifically plushie-making), camping and fishing, performing and entertaining, potentially carpentry? prefers pencil and paper over most forms of drawing
LIKES: creating animatronics, engaging in any hobby listed above, his friends and family, making kids happy, running the business, the outdoors, utah, coming up with new technology and ideas
DISLIKES: being forced to talk to people, being bothered while he’s trying to work, snow (not really used to it in utah!), rainy weather and dark alleys (reminds him of charlie’s death), dealing with finances
waga baga bobo

click sprite henry to go back!